Splunk Fundamentals - Visualizations Quiz

Splunk Fundamentals Jul 28, 2022

Q1) Which argument can be used with the timechart command to specify the time range to use when grouping events?

(A) range
(B) timespan
(C) span
(D) timerange

Q2) In a single series data table, which column provides the x-axis values for a visualization?

(A) The first column
(B) The third column
(C) The fourth column
(D) The second column

Q3) Which argument can be used with the geostats command to control the column count?

(A) longfield
(B) collimit
(C) latfield
(D) globallimit

Q4) How many columns are displayed in a visualization by default when using the chart command?

(A) 5
(B) 20
(C) 10
(D) 3

Q5) Which clause can be used with the rare command to specify whether or not a percentage column is created?

(A) showperc
(B) displayperc
(C) percentage
(D) perccol

Q6) Which command removes duplicate field values in search results?

(A) exclude
(B) remove
(C) dedup
(D) fields

Q7) Which clause can be used with the top command to specify a number of values to return?

(A) resultcount
(B) return
(C) values
(D) limit

Q8) Which optional argument of the addtotals command changes the label for row totals in a table?

(A) rowlabel
(B) label
(C) fieldname
(D) fieldformat

Q9) Which clause can be used with the top command to change the name of the count column?

(A) countfield
(B) countname
(C) colname
(D) colheader

Q10) Which command can be used to exclude fields from search results?

(A) remove
(B) dedup
(C) exclude
(D) fields

Q11) Which command changes the appearance of field values?

(A) fieldformat
(B) format
(C) rename
(D) fields

Q12) How can the order of columns in a table be changed

(A) By dragging and dropping in the table interface
(B) By changing the order of fields specified in the fields command
(C) By selecting the "Move column" option in a column header's dropdown
(D) By changing the order of fields specified in the table command

Q13) Which type of default map visualization uses shading to represent relative metrics?

(A) Choropleth Map
(B) Marker Map
(C) Cluster Map
(D) Shading Map

Q14) When using the timechart command, which axis represents time?

(A) Y-axis
(B) The axis is specified using the by clause
(C) X-axis
(D) The axis is specified using the as clause

Q15) Which of the following commands can return a count of all events matching search criteria over a specified time period?

(A) stats
(B) match
(C) count
(D) where
